American Howa deploys SPD Pro in Canton, Mississippi

American Howa Deploys Insequence’s SPD Pro Sequencing system in their Canton, Mississippi facility

Proven Sequential Part Delivery software efficiently executes the sequencing process.


Insequence, suppliers of cutting edge sequencing, manufacturing, and inventory solutions will provide American Howa with their SPD Pro Sequential Part Delivery system. American Howa will be shipping vehicle headliners in sequence to the Nissan Motor Manufacturing Plant in Canton, Mississippi.


Sequential Part Delivery (SPD) is the process of delivering automotive parts to an assembly plant in an exact order. For the automotive industry, this means supplying parts in the order vehicles need them on the assembly line. At a pre-determined point in the automotive assembly process, a broadcast signal is sent from the assembly plant to the supplier. From this point, the supplier then provides the necessary assemblies. This includes making certain that the assemblies are specific and unique to each vehicle.


Insequence is supplying American Howa with their software that contains has the interface capabilities to facilitate communication between the OEM, Nissan in this case, and the supplier. The SPD Pro Sequencing system consists of five modules that perform collaboratively, each with their own specific function. SPD Pro will receive and validate the demand from Nissan before sending sequencing requirements to the line. The applications will then communicate with each other in a specific order to accomplish a smooth sequencing and shipping process.


American Howa manufactures various types of machinery, firearms, construction materials, and automotive components.


Insequence Corporation

Insequence is a leading provider of sequencing, manufacturing, and logistic software solutions. Easily tailored to individual facilities, their software’s modular design can fulfill requirements no matter the size or complexity of the system. This results in a standard sequencing system, SPD Pro, more complete and capable than any other solution. In addition to just-in-sequence (JIS) solutions, Insequence provides MESInventory Management, and SCADA solutions.


Their experience throughout the Americans and Europe, along with over 20 standard OEM interfaces and 24  x 7 x 365 customer support, has put Insequence at the forefront for supply chain software solution providers. As a result, they still work with their original customer from 1996.


The Company That Pioneered End-to-End Manufacturing.

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About the author: Tiffany Houck

Insequence Marketing and Sales Coordinator