The Imperative of Collaboration in Automotive Manufacturing

In automotive manufacturing, where precision meets innovation, collaboration emerges as the cornerstone of success – and a vital indicator of success. The intricate dance of designing, producing, and delivering automobiles requires a harmonious symphony of efforts from various stakeholders. From designers and engineers to suppliers and distributors, every entity plays a crucial role in the […]

Forget The Supply Chain. Create A Value Chain.

Regardless of location, the automotive supply chain remains tumultuous, as evidenced by the upheavals triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, the subsequent semiconductor shortage, labor issues, global transportation hurdles, and geopolitical tensions. Reflecting on a conversation with a seasoned supply chain expert—a former U.S. ambassador to Germany—about a year pre-pandemic, it was evident that supply chains, […]

Turning The Market Around

The automotive market is turned upside down right now. Instead of production volume being where we normally expect them to be, we’re seeing production levels dramatically cut and sometimes even shut down for weeks or months at a time. What has been a consistent, reliable industry focused on growth has turned into one with interruptions, […]