Innovation, Collaboration Keys To Addressing Supply Chain Challenges

The supply chain challenges are changing many of the traditional processes and methods of supplier-OEM demand and delivery. This article from Industry Week highlights the how all stakeholders are changing the ways in which they work together and are addressing the needs of greater collaboration, partnership and innovation: Digging Into The Shifting Sands of Supplier-OEM Leverage | IndustryWeek

Being more bespoke might mean being more flexible, too, but maybe not in the way much of the manufacturing sector has worked for decades. Tom Mitchell, president and COO of manufacturing sequencing software provider Insequence Corp., said just-in-time models appear to be damaged at best—in automotive work but also in sectors such as furniture and appliances—and that improving OEM-supplier relationships and creating better visibility for both will be key to finding a better way forward.

“I get the sense that all stakeholders are focused on making things better,” Mitchell said about concepts such as surge capacity and backup scenarios. “They’re thinking more about this than in the past. […] The crux is better collaboration across the board—from OEMs to suppliers to vendors like us.”



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About the author: Tom Mitchell