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Quality Management Program

Quality Outcomes Don’t Happen On Their Own. We Nurture Them Every Single Day.

From Day One and ever since, Insequence has held itself accountable for the success of its projects.  Today we remain steadfastly zeroed-in on providing an exceptional experience related to product and service delivery.  Simply put, we believe quality is a never-ending pursuit.  For that matter, the company’s Quality Management Program is not just outward-facing.  It is an equally rigorous internal discipline as our company partners with employees in committing to a corporate culture of Quality across every department.

Putting the program into action.
On a non-stop basis we proactively review every step of our processes to uncover areas of opportunity for continued improvement. This is fostered by the company’s management team, who hold themselves accountable for the successful outcome of every project.

Additionally, our Quality Program includes leveraging the wisdom of outside influence via our Advisory Board, comprised of various customers and external participants. The purpose of this essential board is to provide us with honest guidance and structured feedback.  It is invaluable.

What to expect.
The success of every project and the overarching value of this program is measured by customer reviews, a detailed analysis of each project in Field Services, and a sampling of custom programming projects.  Additionally, at the completion of each project we evaluate our own work via an internal quality assessment to ensure we are following best practices and standards during implementation. Ultimately this provides a benchmark from which to improve overall delivery of products and services and reinforce the current ranking system already offered in Support. Through this process we’re seeing improved efficiency, a high success rate with projects and joint successes with our customers.

We're ready when you are.

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